Path : /scripts/
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Current File : //scripts/clear_cpaddon_ui_caches


# cpanel - scripts/rebuild_available_addons_packages_cache
#                                                  Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                         http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

use strict;
use warnings;

use Cpanel::OS                          ();
use Whostmgr::Cpaddon                   ();
use Whostmgr::Cpaddon::CacheFileManager ();

exit run(@ARGV) unless caller;

sub run {
    my @args = @_;
    @args = grep { !/--verbose/ } @args;    # compatibility with deleted clear_cpaddon_ui_caches script
    _die_usage() if @args;

    if ( !Cpanel::OS::supports_cpaddons() ) {
        die qq[cPAddons are not supported on this distro.\n];

    if ( -e q[/var/cpanel/cpaddons.disabled] ) {
        die qq[cPAddons are disabled on this server.\n];

    my $available_addons = Whostmgr::Cpaddon::get_available_addons();


    return 0;

sub _die_usage {
    die <<EOU;
usage: $0

Rebuild the available cPAddons packages cache at /var/cpanel/available_addons_packages.cache